The day will start with Puja and Saraswati Bandana followed by “Hate Khori” (please bring your own chalk and slate), Prasad distribution and Vegetarian Lunch. We are looking forward to seeing you all. Below is the detailed schedule –
10:00 AM: Pujo
10:00 AM: Kids Sit and Draw
10:30 AM: Hate Khori
11:00 AM: Anjali *
11:30 AM: Prasad
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Lunch
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Cultural Program #
3:00 PM: Wrap up
* Please note Anjali will be repeated upto 3 times based on the number of attendees
# Please check your email or Bhindeshi FB page for communication pertaining to cultural participation of kids.
Please complete your Saraswati Puja registration online. Registration will help us plan, estimate and order the right amount of food. Your help and participation is highly appreciated. If you become a Bhindeshi member then Saraswati puja entry is free and also you will get free entry for all 2019 events (Bani Bandana, Cultural Festival, Picnic/Sports, Durga Puja). For non-members, you have to pay the separate entry fee.
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Last Updated: October 11, 2021 by Pritam Karmakar
Bhindeshi Bani Bandana 2019
The day will start with Puja and Saraswati Bandana followed by “Hate Khori” (please bring your own chalk and slate), Prasad distribution and Vegetarian Lunch. We are looking forward to seeing you all. Below is the detailed schedule –
10:00 AM: Pujo
10:00 AM: Kids Sit and Draw
10:30 AM: Hate Khori
11:00 AM: Anjali *
11:30 AM: Prasad
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Lunch
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Cultural Program #
3:00 PM: Wrap up
* Please note Anjali will be repeated upto 3 times based on the number of attendees
# Please check your email or Bhindeshi FB page for communication pertaining to cultural participation of kids.
Category: 2019 event, event
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