Bhindeshi’s goal is to advance our culture and literature through available avenues. With continuous support and involvement from our members, we are committed to nurture our cultural heritage and improve our role as global citizens.
This document represents Bhindeshi’s overall publications policy and provides a framework for professional administration of all aspects related to the conceptualization, design, and production of the magazine.
By way of definition, a publication is a document or media submitted to Bhindeshi through its official submission portal or channels and considered for Bhindeshi’s magazine, published either physically or Electronically.
There is no monetary or in-kinds compensation associated with author-contributed publications across both print physical and Electronic form and e-platform.
Sponsored advertisements are exempt from the compensation clause in 2 C.
Submission Policy
By definition, a requester is the owner and/or author and/or authority, requesting publication of the work in Bhindeshi’s Magazine.
Submission of an article implies that the work is not published previously, or it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be accepted only when accompanied by a signed declaration, confirming the authors responsibility on copy rights (or transfer of) for their submission.
Requesters must submit their work through Bhindeshi web portal or approved official channels.
All submissions will undergo formal review with the Bhindeshi Publication Committee.
Not all submissions can be published or accommodated. Bhindeshi’s Publication Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any work submitted. All decisions will be final and binding.
Bhindeshi has a zero-tolerance plagiarism policy. All submissions are responsibility of the requester. However, if the work is previously published and publisher reserves the copyrights, Bhindeshi will not be responsible for any legal proceeding between the requester and the publisher.
Any change to the publication policies must be reviewed and voted by the current Bhindeshi Executive Committee.
Copyright and Archiving Policy
Copyrights for articles are retained by the authors. Bhindeshi does not reserve any rights of the submitted or printed articles. Authors have rights to reuse, republish, archive, and distribute their own articles after publication.
Bhindeshi allows open access to all work published. Readers will have access to the magazine in both physical or electronic forms, and can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or use them at their discretion.
Once published, Bhindeshi is not responsible for subsequent re-use of the work.
Authors/Owners shall permit Bhindeshi to apply ISSN and/or DOI to their work and archive them in databases.
Content Policy
In general, Bhindeshi Publication Committee focuses on high quality publications across all age groups.
Invited works can be selected based on majority vote from the Publications committee.
Submissions with any gender bias, racial, and political affiliation or perspective will not be considered and will be rejected at the discretion of the publication committee.
Submissions with undesirable language, picture, or content of any type, based on general understanding, will not be considered, and will be rejected at the discretion of the publication committee.
Bhindeshi’s Publication Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any work submitted. All decisions will be final and binding.
A final authorization for print media would be needed. The advisory board, consisting at least two past presidents and the Magazine administration team, will provision this authorization. Approval will be based on majority vote within the advisory board.
Advisory board will be responsible for auditing issues based on these established principles. They will not have any say over the creative content.
Roles and Responsibilities of Bhindeshi Publications Committee
Promote, facilitate, and monitor timeliness of publication of submissions.
Propose policy guidelines for authorship/ownership of publications. Update guidelines, as necessary.
Assure compliance with Bhindeshi’s publication policies.
Establish standards of excellence for publications.
Review, edit, and approve (or reject) publications and presentations prior to submission, enlisting the special assistance of Bhindeshi PublicationCommittee members whenever appropriate.
Review and suggest necessary revisions, prior approval of any publications.
Adjudicate disputes involving publications issues as per the publication guidelines.
Publication Guidelines
Document Preparation:
Bhindeshi as a platform, honors every language and culture. However, our mission revolves primarily around Bengali and English languages. Bhindeshi Publication will accept contents in these two languages.
Submitted works must be prepared using Word editor, preferably Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
Submission processes, policies and disclaimer will be posted on Bhindeshi official Website.
Review Process
1. Based on established guidelines and policies, Bhindeshi Publication Committee will evaluate quality and content alignment as part of acceptance and publishing decisions.
Bhindeshi Publication committee will review and revert with decision to the requester within a reasonable time from the date of submission.
Publication and Proofing
In case of acceptance, the committee will send back the final content to the requester for proofreading, within a reasonable time from the first communication. Bhindeshi Publication Committee expects the requester to revert within one week; alternatively, the committee will publish submitted work based on the latest available version.
Bhindeshi Publication Policy
Bhindeshi Publication Policy
Overall Goal
Bhindeshi’s goal is to advance our culture and literature through available avenues. With continuous support and involvement from our members, we are committed to nurture our cultural heritage and improve our role as global citizens.
Submission Policy
Copyright and Archiving Policy
Content Policy
Roles and Responsibilities of Bhindeshi Publications Committee
Publication Guidelines
1. Based on established guidelines and policies, Bhindeshi Publication Committee will evaluate quality and content alignment as part of acceptance and publishing decisions.
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