Bhindeshi is now registered with AmazonSmile!
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a platform on to support 501(c) registered charitable organizations at NO cost to you. Essentially, Amazon makes a contribution of 0.5% of every eligible purchase to the charity of your choice.
How do you connect to AmazonSmile?
There are two ways to connect to Amazon smile for all your purchases:
1) From the hamburger menu in your Amazon mobile app, select settings -> AmazonSmile and register Bhindeshi as your charity of choice (you should be able to just search using ‘Bhindeshi’)
2) Go and select “Your AmazonSmile” option from the “Account & Lists” setting in the top right corner of the website. From there, you should be able to search for ‘Bhindeshi’ and connect it to your AmazonSmile account. Alternatively just visit this link below and select Bhindeshi when asked. Do remember that on the web, in order for Bhindeshi to get the donations, you have to shop at
Please try this and let us know if you have any questions. Reiterating that connecting Bhindeshi to your AmazonSmile setting comes at a zero cost to you but helps Bhindeshi get donations from Amazon’s charity arm.
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Last Updated: March 8, 2022 by Sudipto
Amazon smile
Bhindeshi is now registered with AmazonSmile!
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a platform on to support 501(c) registered charitable organizations at NO cost to you. Essentially, Amazon makes a contribution of 0.5% of every eligible purchase to the charity of your choice.
How do you connect to AmazonSmile?
There are two ways to connect to Amazon smile for all your purchases:
1) From the hamburger menu in your Amazon mobile app, select settings -> AmazonSmile and register Bhindeshi as your charity of choice (you should be able to just search using ‘Bhindeshi’)
2) Go and select “Your AmazonSmile” option from the “Account & Lists” setting in the top right corner of the website. From there, you should be able to search for ‘Bhindeshi’ and connect it to your AmazonSmile account. Alternatively just visit this link below and select Bhindeshi when asked. Do remember that on the web, in order for Bhindeshi to get the donations, you have to shop at
Please try this and let us know if you have any questions. Reiterating that connecting Bhindeshi to your AmazonSmile setting comes at a zero cost to you but helps Bhindeshi get donations from Amazon’s charity arm.
Category: Uncategorized
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